The Diocesan Synodal Phase

Information and resources webpage for Diocesan Phase of Synod 2021 2023, Archdiocese of Calcutta, India

Walking Together On The Same Road

 “Celebrating a Synod,” says Pope Francis, “means walking on the same road, together.” Following the example of Jesus, he emphasised three verbs that characterise the Synod: encounter, listen, and discern.
The Synod 2021 2023 opened in Rome on October 9, followed by the opening in each diocese on October 17. This process is calling together all the people of God – clergy, religious and laity – to listen, dialogue, discern and pray. The goal of the Synod is not to create a new pastoral plan, but rather to be present with each other, learn from each other, and grow closer to the Lord and His Church.
This is the Synod on Synodality.

Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Thomas

Archbishop Thomas D'Souza's Pastoral Letter "to the clergy, consecrated men and women and the lay faithful'" where he outlines the Diocesan Synodal process and introduces the Diocesan Synodal Team. 

Preparatory Document

The Preparatory Document is a tool at the service of the synodal journey, to facilitate the first phase of listening to and consulting the People of God in the dioceses. It will hopefully help to set in motion the ideas, energy, and creativity of all those who will take part in the journey,


The Vademecum is a handbook that accompanies the Preparatory Document - it offers practical support to the Diocesan Contact Person(s) (or team), to prepare and gather the People of God so that they can give voice to their experience in their local Church.

Adsumus, Sancte Spiritus

Every session of the Second Vatican Council began with the prayer Adsumus Sancte Spiritus, the first words of the Latin original meaning, “We stand before You, Holy Spirit,” Synod 2021-2023, uses this simplified version

Logo of the Synod

For your local use, the Vatican has prepared a handbook on the branding of the Synod 2021 2023, especially of the logo. You may use the logo samples, keeping in mind the rules for using the same and other Synod design elements.

Synod Resources for in Vernacular languages

Download translations of most Synodal resources, in Bengali, Hindi and Santhali.

Updated as content becomes available.

Toolkit for Parish Consultations

This toolkit booklet is the most recent edition and is a handbook for every facilitator. Copies of Participants Guide and Groups Participants Record sheet also available here. Indispensable for great Synodal Sharing sessions.

Parish PreSynodal Assembly (MiniSynod) guide and Template for Parish Synthesis

Parishes can follow the instructions in these documents to conduct a successful MiniSynod and comprehensive Synthesis document for submission to the Diocese.

Take the online Survey

Pope Francis wants to reach everyone in this PreSynodal process! If there are persons who can't attend a Parish Listening Group session, direct them here. The inputs received will form part of the Diocesan Synthesis,

The Synod in a nutshell

Want to dive deeper? But feel overwhelmed with the Preparatory Document / Vademecum? Watch the video presentation alongside to know everything you need to, in one lucid and comprehensive session!

Inaugural Holy Mass

Archbishop Thomas D'Souza inaugurated the Diocesan Phase of the Synod of Bishops 2021-2023, with a special Holy Eucharist celebration at Catedral de Nossa Senhora do Santíssimo Rosário (Cathedral of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary) on 17.10.2021 at 10 a.m. 

Why the Synod in your archdiocese?

During the ceremonies commemorating the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis expressed his desire for a common path for “laity, pastors, the Bishop of Rome.” Now, for the first time, a "decentralised" Synod is being celebrated.

Diocesan phase: consultation and participation of the People of God

Like ours, dioceses across the globe will begin their journey on Sunday, 17 October, under the presidency of the diocesan bishop.  The objective of this phase is the consultation of the People of God. To this end, the Secretariat of the Synod will send a preparatory Document accompanied by a Questionnaire and a Vademecum with proposals for carrying out the consultation in each particular Church. The same Document will be sent to Curial Dicasteries, Unions of Superiors and Major Superiors, unions or federations of consecrated life, international lay movements, Universities or Faculties of Theology.

Each bishop, before October 2021, will appoint a diocesan representative as a point of reference and liaison with the Bishops’ Conference; the Conference, in turn, will appoint a representative or team to coordinate with the General Secretariat of the Synod.

The diocesan discernment will culminate in a “Pre-Synodal Meeting.” The contributions will be sent to their own Episcopal Conference. The bishops, gathered in assembly for a period of discernment, will make a synthesis which they will send to the General Secretariat of the Synod. This first stage will be completed by April 2022.

Vatican instructions are that “special care should be taken to involve those persons who may risk being excluded: women, the handicapped, refugees, migrants, the elderly, people who live in poverty, Catholics who rarely or never practice their faith, etc.,

Contact your parish to be part of the Diocesan Synodal Process! 

The Fundamental Question
The fundamental question that guides this consultation of the People of God, as mentioned at the beginning, is the following: A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together:” How is this “journeying together” happening today in your particular Church? What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?
In order to respond, you are invited to:
a) ask yourselves what experiences in your particular Church the fundamental question calls to mind;
b) reread these experiences in greater depth: What joys did they provoke? What difficulties and obstacles have they encountered? What wounds have they brought to light? What insights have they elicited?
c) gather the fruits to share: Where, in these experiences, does the voice of the Spirit resound? What is he asking of us? What are the points to be confirmed, the prospects for change, the steps to be taken? Where do we register a consensus? What paths are opening up for our particular Church?

The Diocesan Process Timeline


Walking together

Images from across the archdiocese: Information sessions have taken place for priests, religious and lay leaders from all four Deaneries of the Archdiocese of Calcutta and the consultative process in parishes is slated to begin shortly... catch some of the images here. More to come.

19.10.2021 - First Diocesan Synodal Team meeting convened at Archbishop's House. Process of discernment for the diocese consultation process begins. Members of the team are:  Archbishop Thomas D'Souza; Fr. Michael Biswas & Fr. Franklin Menezes (Diocesan Contact Persons), Fr. Dominic Gomes (VG); Fr. Robert Johnson, Fr. Gilbert Choondal SDB & Mrs. Roseline D'Cruze (Catechetics); Mr. Dilip Rozario (Laity); Mrs. Sandhya Vincent (Women); Mr. Ajoy Chowdhury (SCC); Mr. Farrell Shah (Social Communications); Sr. Sophia FSP & Sr. Sumona Biswas DSA (Consecrated women); Miss Mary Margaret Anthony & Mr. Leo Kundu (Youth);  Miss Isabella Patrao (Student); Mr. Franklin Lakra (JTM/TOB); Mrs. Jose Francis (SVP); Miss Anancia Fernandes (Secretary).

10.02.2022 - Listening (Consultation) Phase of Synod begins in the Parishes. Parish Priests are animated and provided with resources to facilitate the sessions, including a Toolkit booklet and Participants Handbook.

Inauguration of the Diocesan Phase in Archdiocese / 17 October 2021
For? Holy Mass with limited seating. Online for all.
Where? Catedral de Nossa Senhora do Santíssimo Rosário (Cathedral of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary)
When? 17 October, Sunday
How Long? 10 am onwards, followed by community lunch.

Presently, information, training and discernment sessions are the priority of the Diocesan Synodal Team. Please revisit this page later to see dates of launching the Consultation process, and the Diocesan Pre-Synodal Meeting.

CRI-Kolkata Deanery / 21 October 2021
For? CRI Members / Religious
Where? Nitika Don Bosco, Conference Hall
When? 21 October, Thursday
How Long? 3 pm - 5 pm

ACSC - Webinar + Openhouse / 23 October 2021
For? Priests/Religious, Action Groups and Parish Pastoral Councils.
Where? Online, on Google Meet
When? 23 October,  Saturday
How Long? 6 pm - 8 pm

ACSC - Creative Input Event / 25 - 31 October 2021
For? All persons, worldwide
Where? Online, FB
When? 23 to 30 October
What is it? Invitation to submit original Photographs capturing Synodality and original Art expressing Synodality.

ACSC - Talk Show on Synod Process in Diocese/ 14 November 2021
For? All persons in diocese
Where? Online, LIVE Word TV (archdiocese YT channel)
When? 14 November, Sunday
How Long? 6 pm - 8 pm


Fr Sandip M. Biswas

Click on the icon below to message him.


Fr Franklin Menezes

Click on the icon below to message him.

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